ho ho ho happy christmas everybody! what every christmas tree needs is a little angel lucky for you there is an easy peesy one here to make just cut out and assembly. no glue needed. (sticky finger free crafts are the way forward) hope all your chrsitmas dreams come true (except the one about the scarey santa)
Whoop whoop! Don't Dip your Chips in your Drink Kate got Highly commended for the Picture Book catagory and the Community Library award!
here is a shakey movie of what the kids had to say about it.... (I wish i wasn't a sensitive little artist about the fact that the favourite page was one with hardly any illustration!)
piccy of Caryl Hart and me with important people (the one with the nice bit of bling is the Mayor of Sheffield i think!)
and of all the shortlisty people! inc "Morris the Mankiest monster" illustrator Sarah McIntyre ,"The Great Dog Bottom Swap"by Peter Bently and Mei Matsuoka and "Dear Miss" author and illustrator Amy Husband. Well done to all... was so amazing to be amongst such a talented gaggle of authors and illustrators. Caryl and I scoffing paper cakes after a busy crafty work shop in the Winter Gardens (brrrr) mmmn.. a nice cup of tea to boo
ooh what a lame blogger i am. i blame it on the babay... sigh... yawn...here are photos of some Limelight Larry crafts. am pleased with the bunnies, but think larry is a bit fiddly and not so graphic and simple (that's peacocks for you i suppose).
well, i am a childrens book writer and illustrator person.
i am only trying to get my act together and open myself an etsy shop innit.
All images copyright Leigh Hodgkinson 2013.