So, caryl hart and i were up in sunny rotherham last week for their childrens book awards.
it was a busy jam packed day of children, felt cupcakes, children, snakes, pies, children, authors, illustrators, craft activities, children , balloon modelling, children and awards!
we got to hang out with the lovely
C B Lindsay (author of "Who Ate All the Pies") and
Ally Kennon (author of "Sparks") and winner of the key stage 1/2 catagory
Pete Johnson (
author of " Spook School: Horror From the Deepwe were up for best picture book with "Don't Dip Your Chips In Your Drink Kate" against stiff competition (Julia Donaldsons "What the Ladybird Heard" illustrated by the marvellous Lydia Monks and Judith Kerrs "One Night At the Zoo") so were not expecting anything. But you 'll NEVER guess what... we won!
here is the nice shiny trophy i did get.

thanks children of rotherham... and thanks to all at the book awards!