what treasure i recieved in the post just before christmas..... a well loved, thumb eared, deliciously doodled in Magical Mix up book, brimming with fantastic ideas, colour and drawing.
The book is now in glorious technicolour which would make any beautiful rainbow feel jealous!
What a lovely thing indeed- thank you 7 year old Leni for letting your mum send it to share with me. I love it and think you have done a truely wonderful job... a bit too good in fact- as i think i should retire and you should take over! you have made the book into a real work of art. A big fat well done to you!
Here are a few of the pages scanned in for you all to see....
i particularly like the filled in bakery menu items- everything in it looks yummy...
...and the princess sneezebelles family portraits are brilliant
Wowzers.... keep up the good work Leni!
ps, i will be returning the book back to Leni tomorrow as it needs to be back with its' creator and her very proud mum. So much time and effort has gone into adding loads of funny details and added extra bits to make the book and story even better... i couldn;t possible keep it (even though i secretly want to!)