Friday 25 September 2009

some paper cutouts having a look round the book

i have made some crafty cutouts in preperation for my SMILE! event at the Polka Dot theatre in a few weeks.

leighs polka dot theatre event

Tuesday 22 September 2009

lovely mention of colins american alter-ego BORIS on Izze's book blog


Rating: 4 kitty purrs.


I find a bird on every page! (This is only partially true, there are a lot of birds).
Boris is a cat, he "leepy" (sleepy)
He in a box.
"We not want this cat!"
NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!
Boris be sad.
Mr. Marshmallow eat only fish!
We ever not have a cat, he would eat "Oviler"
(Oliver is Izze's fish).
Then he find a lady!
She sooo happy!


Izze loves the art, the collage style.

Vegan note: Mr. Marshmallow eats fish from The South Pole. Boris wishes he had fish, because he was hungry.

I think Izzes description of the story is the bees knees.

SO pleased you like my book Izze...

Boris is very happy that he has found a friend like you!

Thursday 10 September 2009

presenting the shrunkled shrinkydinks!

my, haven't they shrunked?
they were smaller than i thought, so i had to add buttons and beads (always a wise decision)

Wednesday 9 September 2009

shrinkydink broaches

here are some shrinkydink broaches i am making.
mmmn..... shrinkydinks
this is before the melty shrinky ovenbake....

Monday 7 September 2009

design for beaky baby quilt

my clever mum is going to make this design as a real live patch work blanket!
i will show the the finished article when it is made!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

hand lettering from my new book limelight larry

it won't be out till next year though.... boo hoo.